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Rugby Indiana Scholarships and Grants


Any players who are in good standing (no rugby suspensions, positive coach/administrator reference, completed prior grant requirements, etc.) wanting to play on a rugby team in Indiana that has financial need may request a scholarship grant shall apply on the Rugby Indiana website and submit supporting documentation no less than seven (7) days prior to desire to register for the rugby season.

Players must receive notification of award determination prior to registering for the rugby season.

Once a player has registered for the rugby season through Rugby Indiana’s registration system, they are no longer eligible to apply.

Player Eligibility Requirements
Players must meet the following scholarship grant requirements in order to be approved:

  1. The player applying must play for a Rugby Indiana team in the season being applied for.

  2. The player applying must receive a favorable recommendation from their team coach and/or administrator.

  3. If the player is a past grant recipient, they must have completed the volunteer log as required and have an “eligible” status in their records.

  4. The player (or player’s family) must qualify for free/reduced lunch through their school district. A current paper copy of their official determination letter from their school district education services showing their qualification for free/reduced lunch must be submitted.

    Homeschooled players must qualify based on the same standards -



  1. Grant application must be submitted at least 7 days prior to your anticipated registration date - please plan accordingly as players must be registered before eligible to practice or play.

  2. Ensure that you meet the eligibility requirements for this grant

    • Awards are based on need, therefore, applicant may be asked to provide supporting documents such as copy of free and reduced lunch award

    • Must agree to volunteer a minimum of four hours at Rugby Indiana events

    • Must not be under Rugby Indiana disciplinary suspension

  3. If repeat applicant, you must provide proof (dates and events) that you fulfilled your previous season's volunteer obligations

  4. Complete and submit the online application.

  5. Rugby Indiana will process the grant application within 7 days and inform applicant by email

  6. (If awarded the player grant), a code is issued to the recipient which will be entered during the online regisration process, this code will reduce the fees accordingly
    (If a partial grant is awarded), the recipient will need to pay the balance to complete registration

Service Requirements

Grant Recipient Service Requirement

Grant recipients are expected to give back to rugby in some way. High School players are required to volunteer a minimum of four-hours (4), and Youth Players/Parents are required to volunteer a minimum of three-hours (3) at:

Any Rugby Indiana Event:

  • State Championship Tournament

  • Outreach programs

  • Fundraisers

  • Coaching Clinics

  • Other Rugby Indiana Events as Approved by the Executive Director

Assisting other programs in Rugby Indiana:

  • Coaching assistant with another team

  • Coaching Rookie Rugby

  • Referee Rookie Rugby

  • Other programs as approved by the Executive Director

Note: Service hours toward your own team or program do not count toward your Rugby Indiana Scholarship. If you have questions about what qualifies, please contact the Executive Director.

Player Volunteer Log / Future Eligibility

At the end of the season, the grant recipient must submit a completed volunteer log that has been signed by their coach or administrator no later than 20 days after the end of the season to the league administrator. Failure to submit the completed log disqualified the player from scholarship grant eligibility for the remainder of the current calendar year, and the following year.

  1. Spring Season End Date – June 10th

  2. Fall Season End Date – November 1st

Submit Application

Player Name(Required)
Player Full Address(Required)
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