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If you are interested in bringing Rookie Rugby (flag/touch) rugby to your school’s PE programs and would like to apply for a Rugby Indiana Grant valued at $2,500 please click the link below for details and application.
"If You Can Floss (the dance), You Can Play Rugby."
-a 3rd grade student introduced to rugby for the first time.
Happy female rugby players doing a fist bump

Rugby for School PE

Kids are four times more likely to play a sport if they play it in P.E. class first. Because of this we want to see a flag rugby unit taught in every P.E. class in Indiana! This exciting, fast-paced activity will have kids moving and having fun in no time!

Did you know Rugby’s World Cup will be hosted in the United States in 2031 and 2033? 

So why Rugby in PE?

  • Rookie Rugby satisfies the National Standards for Physical Education as outlined by the National Association of Sport and Physical Education (NASPE).
  • Rookie Rugby aligns with and meets Indiana Physical Education Standards.
  • Rookie Rugby is a great sport to increase physical literacy.
  • Rugby can help with Title IX
  • Rugby can help with ESSA Title IV Funding
  • Rugby has a position for everyone.
  • Indiana has Unified Rugby as an opportunity. 
  • Rugby is a great sport for social/emotional development.
  • Globally there are important rugby values (the Charter)
    • Integrity
    • Passion
    • Solidarity
    • Discipline
    • Respect
  • Rugby is a large family. 
  • Its a game that has a spot for you for your entire life
    • There are over 900 colleges with rugby programs in the US (and more are added every year). 
    • Rugby is played by adults into their golden years (there are even club tournaments for that age group).  It does not end after high school or college. 
    • Rugby has coaches, players, referees, administrators, staff, and volunteers who are passionate about the game (and the rugby family)
  • There are multiple versions of the game
    • Touch/tag/flag
    • Tackle
    • Beach 5s
    • 7s
    • 10s
    • 12s
    • 15s
    • Competitive Leagues
    • Social Leagues

Frequently Asked Questions for Teachers

I’ve heard rugby is a dangerous sport; I can’t have a contact sport in my classes.

Rookie Rugby is the non-contact version of the game involving flags. It is a fast-paced game for boys and girls of all ages. Rookie Rugby is perfect for P.E. classes because it keeps kids moving and active while having tons of fun!

I don’t know anything about rugby, how can I teach it?

USA Rugby has developed a full P.E. curriculum specifically for educators like you! This curriculum is full of lead-up games and instruction on teaching flag rugby. To learn more about flag rugby see the Teacher Resources on this webpage.

Are there local contacts to assist in the implementation of the Rookie Rugby P.E. curriculum in my classroom?

Yes, please contact the Rugby Indiana Executive Director at

How much will it cost for me to introduce rugby in my classes?

Rugby is one of the lowest cost options for children in the U.S. You can use flag belts that you use for other activities like Flag Football. All you need is a rugby ball! You can buy rugby balls for $15 through Rugby Indiana.

This sounds great! How do I get started?

Getting Rookie Rugby in your school or community program is easy! Just follow these two simple steps!

  1. Contact Rugby Indiana to set up FREE in-classroom demonstration
  2. Prepare your students for FUN!!

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